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Stock Number 23-665157 Sale Type New Manufacturer Attwood Marine
Quantity 1 Manufacturer Qty 1 Price 162.09 CAD
UPC 22697665157 Hazard 9 LNSuse1 1520948
LNSuse2 60556 LNSuse3 47535 ModuleID PF_382814
DMPPartNo 21-1220 KMSPartNo ATT 665157 AS400Description NEAT CLEAT 4 1/2IN
VendorItemNumber 66515-7 WebLongDescription

A retractable stainless steel cleat with a thin profile that installs easily. Spring loaded stay up design. Each stanchion is a 7/8" stainless steel rod. Drainage receptacles (included) capture moisture and send it to the bilge via pitot tubing (not included). Installation is simple even on narrow gunwales - just drill twice with an appropriate size hole saw.


Attwood Neat Cleat 4-1/2"

A retractable stainless steel cleat with a thin profile that installs easily. Spring loaded stay up design. Each stanchion is a 7/8\" stainless steel rod. Drainage receptacles (included) capture moisture and send it to the bilge via pitot tubing (not included). Installation is simple even on narrow gunwales - just drill twice with an appropriate size hole saw. Backed by a lifetime warranty against corrosion.