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Stock Number 108-906059 Sale Type New Manufacturer Forespar
Quantity 1 Manufacturer Qty 1 Price 52.84 CAD
UPC 28026149534 Hazard 9 LNSuse1 17145
LNSuse3 91459 ModuleID PF_22722 DMPPartNo 50-6023
KMSPartNo FOR 906059 AS400Description MF 867 3/4IN SCOOP STRAINER VendorItemNumber 906059

High-strength, high speed, made of glass-reinforced non-corrosive Marelon®. Two piece construction allows for greater ease in installation.


Forespar Marelon Scoop Strainer, White

High-strength, high speed, made of glass-reinforced non-corrosive Marelon®. Two piece construction allows for greater ease in installation.
Scoop/Screens only can be epoxied to the hull to eliminate additional holes in the gel-coat. Scoop screens can also be used over other thru-hulls (flush head styles are best) whenever a force feed is required.