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Stock Number 354-0812421 Sale Type New Manufacturer Sea-Dog Line
Quantity 1 Manufacturer Qty 1 Price 11.99 CAD
UPC 35514081252 Hazard 9 LNSuse1 91670
LNSuse2 89708 LNSuse3 21793 ModuleID PF_446085
DMPPartNo 28-1107 KMSPartNo SDG 0812421 AS400Description CHROME ZINC PAD EYE-3/8 INCH
VendorItemNumber 081242-1 WebLongDescription

These die cast, chrome plated zinc pad eyes can be used for a variety of applications. Great for block attachment, controlling lead lines, or creating tie down points. Installs with two #8 FH fasteners (not included). Recommended for freshwater use


Sea-Dog 0812421 Chrome Zinc Pad Eye, 5/cd

Pad eyes can be used for a multitude of applications. Great for block attachment, controlling lead lines, or creating tie down points. Install with two #8 FH fasteners (not included).
Nylon: Injection molded, UV stabilized and corrosion resistant.
Chrome plated zinc: Die cast, recommended for freshwater use.